Learn 7 universal principles for self-mastery and unleash your creative genius without meditating for 7 years in a remote monastery
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You have been desperately searching for answers. Signing up for more courses and masterclasses you’d care to admit, reading stacks of books, following thought leaders who appear to have “it” figured out. All with the purpose to learn how to overcome your struggles in life.

You have employed several tactics to avoid feeling despair and uncertainty in your daily experience. Those might include coping mechanisms ranging from substance abuse and other vehicles of escape.

While those experiences do offer a temporary form of release, it is not a long-term solution. Waking up in the morning, those thoughts and feelings always return. Only to strengthen with a sense of guilt and shame.

Or, you already discovered your higher purpose and follow it in life. Yet, you struggle to make it more permanent and solid. To apply the principles and embody the philosophy that you know in your bones to be the right path.

You are looking to build solid foundations around it to increase your impact and generate a healthy and wealthy lifestyle. To escape the monocultural narrative of a normal life and its inherent mediocrity.

Annihilate your conditioning and claim your throne of Sovereignty.



Wisdom bites from sacred traditions wrapped into 21st century methods 


Practical exercises to support you rewriting your habits and boost your transformation


+12 hours of recorded content for a comprehensive alchemical transformation


Connect with other travelers embarked on a voyage of self-discovery


The Coronation is an ancient rite of passage. A psychological maturation process and the ultimate path to self mastery.

It is the alchemy of life that puts you squarely in the center of attention. You are the main character in the story of your life and this is a journey to knowledge of self.

You take the driver’s seat and assume ultimate responsibility for your actions, thoughts and feelings.

This is no joke, it is a path of transformation from a rough stone into a beautifully crafted diamond.


Yourself liberated from belief systems that no longer serve you. Stripping away layers of conditioning, feelings of guilt, shame and anxiety.

Awaking into your full power based deep in your core. You no longer seek approval outside of yourself. No longer playing it small in order not to offend someone. 

The actions you take align with the reasoning of your mind and with the desires of your heart. All in service of your souls highest purpose.

Becoming a master of yourself and burning away all victim mentality. Turn a new chapter in your life with quantum potential to pursue your highest joy.

Purposefully creating your own life experiences. Growing relationships with your tribe of individuals who are on the same path as you.

Being connected to a community that supports you in your transformation.

Cheering you on in your achievements, providing an honest mirror for how you show up. Holds space for you to share what is of utmost importance in your life.


This is an invitation for you especially if you joined many masterminds/courses/workshops and you failed to achieve the changes.
You are tired of being an overachiever on paper. On the surface, you (mostly) appear to have your act together but deep down you know there’s so much more to life.
You are sick of doing things that you no longer find any sense in. You know deep down that you could be doing so much more and feel anxious about being able to sustain yourself.
Behind closed doors, you’re trapped in an endless cycle of self-sabotage.
You are tired of filling this void with harmless distractions.
You recognize these distractions become a clear pattern of avoidance.
Avoidance of failure, looking stupid, making a mistake.
The possibility that you’re not smart enough, funny enough, interesting enough….

This is not for you if…

You don’t want to set a deep intention and prioritize your transformation and cut all distractions.

You don’t intend to make a decision and set once and for all a higher standard for yourself.
You won’t commit to the process knowing full well that it will be uncomfortable.
It takes time to re-habituate your nervous system and adjust to a new reality tunnel.

Ultimately, you are extremely comfortable in the lifestyle you’ve created for yourself. Keep working at a boring job, playing it “safe”. Maintaining the status quo and continuing along the preapproved lifepath  is more pleasurable. 

If that is the case I’ll make it very easy for you.

Don’t join.

Aleksander Brankov is a King.

He has declared himself a King, he increasingly embodies the King, and being in his field will elevate and activate you to be in your King/Queen power.

Jordan Bates

If you are looking to sharpen your mind and balance that out in and deep and warm heart groundedness, Aleksander is your guide. He will assist you to navigate the labyrinth of sense-making in the midst of information wars and gently challenge you to see beyond your conditioning, B.S. and the lies you tell yourself to cope with the cognitive dissonance of this crazy world.

Mariana Pinzon


Achieve self mastery and step into mature power through an alchemical transformational path. The psychological maturation process entails 4 phases that represent a complete cycle

Fourth Phase- The Rubedo

The Rubedo is the final and result stage of the Great Work. It is the final point in which the result of breaking down, purifying and reassembling produces the goal that alchemists have long sought after. The Philosopher’s Stone. It is the phoenix risen and in full form. It is twin lions sharing a solitary head. It is the ouroboros reaching the end of its tail to form a circular process. It represents the re-fusion of mind and spirit, and the re-introduction of the body to drive a complete human transcendence. This is the complete trinity process, and without all three ingredients, there is no Magnum Opus.

Third Phase - The Citrinitas
Citrinitas is a term representing the alchemists process of making “gold”. It stands for the dawning of the “solar light” inherent in one’s being. The reflective “lunar or soul light” is no longer necessary when two halves merge: silver and gold, sun and moon.
It is considered the phase in which a person has now gathered a more comprehensive awareness and knowledge of greater things. Personal realization awakens one’s soul to a greater wisdom. This new perspective brings understanding of the origins of one’s programs. The narratives and ego structures that support one’s personality.
Second Phase - The Albedo

The Whitening is the undertaking of the alchemist in a purification. Albedo washes away impurities. This phase focuses on illumination, brought forth from the darkness of the unconscious. It corresponds to a spiritualization of the body and represents the end of the lesser work.

First Phase - The Nigredo

The blackening refers to putrefaction or decomposition. Alchemists describe Nigredo as a decomposition of one’s body and an awareness of a “raw” self. It represents the breaking down of elements that define the object, so that one can truly see the inner workings of the object. Mythologically, it represents man’s difficulty in overcoming death. In analytical psychology, the term became a metaphor for the dark night of the soul, when an individual confronts the shadow within.



Become a sovereign, a master of your own fate. Unlock the secrets of occult knowledge that is your birthright and claim the throne, the seat of your inner monarchy. You will achieve this by going through an accelerated process of alchemical transmutation of the psyche
The path you’re about to venture on is an ancient rite of magick. A tradition passed down through the ages and kept guarded. It passed through several traditions and evolved to this very day.
The Alchemists of the middle ages made significant efforts to preserve this knowledge. They risked being burnt at the stake for heresy. Religious powers commanded a monopoly and made sure to execute any threat to their claims. That is the reason why symbolism and mythology are the keys to unlock esoteric meanings.
You will gain access to resources that would take you years to assemble and study. You can make this a full blown Hogsworth train ride or focus on taking away and integrating key practice.
“Be weary of unearned wisdom”
-Carl G. Jung


Bring forth awareness of your ego constructs rooted in fear, anger and anxiety. Transformation by fire.


Staying present in the challenge of discomfort, purging and freeing of the polarities. Allowing uncertainty.


Removal of mental blocks and impurities. Rarification and separation of the feminine and masculine. Reflection. Tranquility. Ease.


Empower your true self, the union of masculine and feminine aspects of your psyche. Formation of new belief systems.


Understand the origins of your programs, narratives and ego structures. Cleanse and purify mental programs and blocks.


Raise the contents of your psyche to the highest level possible, free from sentimentality, emotions and identity.


Crown a permanent vehicle of consciousness that embodies the highest aspirations and evolution of mind. Integration stage into everyday life


The process of reclaiming one’s sovereignty and claiming the throne of your inner monarchy is the key you’ve been seeking your whole life


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Aleks brings a fire that can kindle and inspire others’ spirits, especially in helping them connect with and integrate a vision.

He does not bullshit you. He brings honesty and decisiveness. One way or another, your weaknesses and shadows will be unveiled if you stay long in his presence.

This is highly beneficial for those who are ready for it and actively want to improve self-awareness.

Andrew Pegram

Aleksander is a transformational force to be reckoned with. He possesses an uncanny ability to perceive the subtle nature of reality and pierce the veil of illusion with precision.

He is extremely knowledgeable, wise, intelligent, warm and approachable, with a sense of humour and “realness” that is a delight to behold.

If you want the sovereignty master keys I highly recommend journeying with this Wizard King – The Coronation is an experience not to be missed.

Nikhil Kale

Creator of The Coronation ALEKSANDER Brankov

Aleksander Brankov is a transformational voyage architect, an avid Psychonaut and a psychological mapmaker. The Founder of The Coronation, & Co-Founder at UP4ALL.

For over 7 years he’s been down the rabbit hole searching for Truth. This journey lead him to travel to 36 countries and travers the inner depths of himself. He moved to the Alchemical capital (Prague) and started growing regenerative community spaces. An alternative to how we relate to self and others. Redefining the ways in which we work and play in a way that is not detrimental to ourselves. 

Combining his experience in Education  and the Tech space, he is most inspired to plant the seeds of a decentralized future. Building bio-symbiotic communities spanning the Globe and helping spread this cultural neo-renaissance like wildfire. He envisions a future of regenerative and autonomous networks of culture and people built on conscious foundations.